
Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Staining on a doll, always upsets me.  Especially when it's a brand new dolI and the staining is caused by the doll's original outfit.  All of my Little Missmatched girls, except Artsy, came with staining from their clothes.

A few months ago, I was disappointed to find that after having had my Basic Aiko stored in her box for a while, when I took her out to play,  her bow had stained her arm.  I removed the offending article immediately.  I was so upset, I put her back into her box and left her there for a while.

Recently, I got myself a tube of acne medication (containing 10% benzoyl peroxide) and started the bleaching process on Aiko.  It took no more than a week of daily sun for about two hours - once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  I had her well wrapped, with only her arm exposed and I changed the medication each time I put her out and brought her inside overnight.

This is how it started off.

This is how it ended.  

Needless to say, I am very pleased and have lined up Black Magic next for stain removal.

 and my Little Missmatched girls will follow:


  1. Interesting - I have been advised that this sort of product works well on staining. However, I was told to put it on thick and leave it for 24 hours before washing it off. I wondered whether it would work so it's good to see your results. Strangely I have used butter and the sun the same way you did with the acne cream(an old trick I read somewhere) and that works too but I suspect it only works for light stains.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Carricketers. I'll try it without the sun and see how that works. I've also read that putting it under a lamp helps. I've never heard of using butter, though, so that's new to me.
