Friday, September 22, 2017

Disney Star Wars Elite Forces Premium Action Figures

I got these 10” action figures (on sale) from, after checking out several reviews on YouTube.  

Of course, our local customs had to put their own (higher) value and ignore the invoice that was included in the box.

I have not seen any of the newer Star Wars movies, so I’m not familiar with these characters.

Here are: Director Krennic, Jyn Eros and Rey.

I like that their clothes are not molded on and some of their accessories look really cool.  

Look at this bag!

I’m anxious to see their articulation.  I’ll open them up and share my findings.

Monday, September 4, 2017

1997 Barbie Rapunzel

I've have had my blonde Barbie Rapunzel since the '90s and have kept her because of her lovely face.  

A few years ago, I swapped her head to a Twirling Ballerina Teresa body and imagined her as a ballet dancer/teacher. 
Earlier this year, I swapped her to a Made To Move body and put Teresa back on her ballerina body.

Last month, I ordered a secondhand AA version of Rapunzel on 
She is as beautiful as I thought she would be.

I had a little fun playing 'Franken-Rapunzel' with her crown.  It was secured to her head with pegs that I had to cut off to remove the crown.
The colour difference between her head and her body is noticeable in this photo.
Now that I had her, it was time to search for a matching articulated body.

Comparing her body to the dolls that I had, yellow MTM and Lt. Uhura were too light.  My curvy  Barbie The Look, just looking at her face, also looked too light.  My other options that were a close match to Rapunzel's body were:

From left to right - MH Clawdia (with another doll's head), 
Disney Classic Princess Tiana (with EAH Justine Dancer head), 
DC Super Hero Bumble Bee and So In Style Baby Phat Kara.
I found that I didn't like Clawdia's and Bumble Bee's body proportions for Rapunzel and Clawdia seemed too dark anyway; Tiana's knees and ankles are not stable; Kara is currently too elusive/expensive.

I really didn't want to use Bumble Bee's body, so I took another look at my curvy The Look girl.  I took a photo with flash to show the differences in the skin tones of Bumble Bee, Rapunzel and The Look. 

Bumble Bee looked too dark, so I definitely wasn't going to use her.  The Look's head appeared to be lighter than her body, but her body matched perfectly with Rapunzel's head. 

So here she is. My curvy Rapunzel.

I wouldn't have thought that the same body would look so good with different heads.